Deregulating zoning and occupancy laws is crucial to support the growth of micro-schools, providing diverse educational options for students. But few know what steps to take or who to talk to. 


This week on the podcast, Jon England of Libertas Institute shares how changing policies can help create new learning opportunities for students who don’t thrive in the traditional education system. 


Jon highlights the limitations of the public education system and emphasizes empowering parents and teachers to explore innovative approaches in education. And we discuss the risks entrepreneurs face in challenging traditional norms and building alternative models to create a system that caters to individual student needs.


This thought-provoking conversation with Jon England calls for educational transformation through innovation, individualized learning, and policy change. Together, let's create an education system that empowers students, supports teachers, and nurtures the unique potential within each child.


About Jon England:


Jon is the Education Policy Analyst at Libertas Institute. He is a fourteen-year veteran of public schools. He taught both fifth and sixth grades, receiving Weber District’s E+ Team Award. He proudly homeschools and micro schools his children with his wife.


Jon received his bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Utah and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Western Governors University. He spent time in the Marine Corps and separated as a sergeant in 2006.


During his time in public schools, Jon increasingly understood the importance of parental empowerment in education. This increased understanding led him to join Libertas to provide educational freedom for families. Jon enjoys spending time with his wife and five children traveling, skiing, and playing games.


Jump in the Conversation:


[1:48] - John shares his story of school transformation

[3:35] - Deregulating some of the zoning and occupancy laws to help support micro-school founders

[6:07] - The risks that entrepreneurs face in education

[7:00] - Why create more schools for children?

[9:44] - Breakout school for children with ADHD and autism

[13:05] - Every child has greatness and it’s our responsibility to draw that out

[16:46] - Where can we begin to be a part of policy change

[20:09] - Our common humanity is more important than politics

[22:45] - Turbo Time

[23:15] - What people need to know about educational policy

[25:47] - Jon’s Magic Wand

[27:03] - Maureen’s takeaways


Links & Resources


Breakout School

A for Arizona

The Anatomy of Peace by The Arbinger Institute

Episode 128: Making Sure Our Kids are Okay with Jordan Posamentier

Email Maureen

Maureen’s TEDx: Changing My Mind to Change Our Schools

The Education Evolution

Facebook: Follow Education Evolution

Twitter: Follow Education Evolution

LinkedIn: Follow Education Evolution

EdActive Collective

Maureen’s book: Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids

Micro-school feature on Good Morning America

The Micro-School Coalition

Facebook: The Micro-School Coalition


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