We’ve all always known that not everyone has the same access to a quality education. We only need to look in our own communities to see the difference. But travel overseas and you’ll find children living in poverty that we can’t even imagine who don’t have access to some of our basic human rights, education being only one of them.


I recently had the opportunity to travel to Guatemala City to visit a school, Camino Seguro, that is trying to change this lack of access for children in its community. Known as Safe Passage in English, this school is just one example of what one teacher can do.


This episode is part one of a three-part series on our basic human rights. We’ll cover the right to an education and mental health services as well as how to start supporting initiatives to ensure every child has what they need to succeed.


In this first episode of the series, I talk about the Sustainable Development Goals that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015, the loss of services many underprivileged areas saw as a result of the pandemic, and how one school is helping students disrupt the poverty cycle for their families.

  Jump in the Conversation:


[1:46] - A reminder of my beliefs and mission

[2:47] - Safe Passage and the right to an education

[3:51] - Learning about Jane Walker and the quality of life in Tondo

[3:45] - Families have to choose between sending kids to school or to work

[6:06] - Fast forward to today and having a broader sense of what learners need

[6:07] - Looking at equity and learning opportunities with a global lens

[7:08] - UN Sustainable development goals, adopted in 2015 as a call to action

[8:36] - Local public schools in international schools are vastly different from private schools

[9:50] - Children in extreme poverty have no access to basic human needs, including education

[10:30] - The global educational impact of the pandemic

[11:33] - We see the learning gap and how it’s grown

[12:13] - Camino Segurio’s systemic and holistic support to the poorest families in Guatemala City

[15:13] - Hanley Denning’s story and how Safe Passage came to be

[17:02] - Safe Passage is a gateway out of poverty

[18:18] - Maureen’s Magic Wand

  Links & Resources


Volunteer/Get involved at Camino Seguro/Safe Passage

Purple Community Foundation

Safe Passage

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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Maureen’s TEDx: Changing My Mind to Change Our Schools

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Maureen’s book: Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids

Micro-school feature on Good Morning America

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Facebook: The Micro-School Coalition


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