A question we don’t ask enough is what we want from education. Of course we all want well-rounded young adults when they’re done with school, people who can become productive members of our society and who also have a healthy worldview.


But our schools are not preparing our youth in this way. Students are graduating from high school with a narrow mindset because they haven’t experienced anything other than what’s in their community and the four walls of their classrooms.


When the recession happened in 2008, Lainie Liberti knew it was an opportunity to make a change for the benefit of her then 9-year-old son. So they hit the road to learn in the real world. They’ve since visited countless countries, started a business around world schooling, and both have come out changed in all the best ways.


This week on the podcast, Lainie is sharing her experience with parenting and teaching in the real world and how she and her son are supporting other families to do the same.

About Lainie Liberti:

Lainie is a best-selling author, international speaker, community leader, teen mentor, and alternative education advocate who helped to spearhead the thriving world schooling movement.


As a result of the 2008 California economy crash, Liberti closed her Los Angeles-based branding agency. Liberti and her then 9-year-old Miro decided to “be the change” instead of victims and chose a life of adventure. After, selling all of their possessions, Lainie and her son hit the road for what was to be a one-year adventure in 2009. After thirteen years and almost 50 countries, the pair calls Guanajuato, Mexico their home.


Lainie chose to educate her son Miro through the world, facilitating rich experiential learning, cultural immersion, volunteering and leadership as his school. We call this world schooling.


Lainie co-foundered Project World School with her son in 2012. Liberti designs and co-facilitates the Project World School teen retreats as month-long immersive learning communities to support self-directed teens from around the world. Over the last 8 years, Lainie has facilitated 20+ international retreats for almost 100 teens, learning through cultural immersion, examining personal values and exploring world views.


In addition, Lainie founded Project World School Family Summits, where she's produced 10 in-person international conferences for hundreds of families across Europe, Asia and Mexico since 2016. 

Jump in the Conversation:

[1:26] - Where Lainie’s passion for transforming our relationship with learning began

[3:34] - What do you want for education

[4:44] - What is world schooling

[6:06] - Learning was a radical part of what they were doing in their travels

[6:42] - We’re wired to be natural learners

[7:29] - The world provided a lot of opportunities

[7:50] - Helping others in world schooling

[9:44] - The adventures of Lainie and her son

[10:25] - Project World School is born

[14:22] - Understanding the plight of others is impossible unless you’re there

[15:16] - Tying in mental health to world learning

[18:00] - Taking teens out of their comfort zones

[19:55] - Getting outside comfort zone is part of who we are

[22:23] - How to participate in world school without the travel

[25:35] - What would it be if we took a moment to recognize situations from different perspectives

[26:40] - Turbo Time

[32:19] - Lainie’s Magic Wand

[33:32] - Maureen’s Takeaways

Links & Resources

Project World School

Seen, Heard & Understood: Parenting & Partnering with Teens for Greater Mental Health by Lainie Liberti

Transformative Mentoring for Teens

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents by 

Follow Lainie on Instagram, Facebook, Twittter, and YouTube

Email Maureen

Maureen’s TEDx: Changing My Mind to Change Our Schools

The Education Evolution

Facebook: Follow Education Evolution

Twitter: Follow Education Evolution

LinkedIn: Follow Education Evolution

EdActive Collective

Maureen’s book: Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids

Micro-school feature on Good Morning America

The Micro-School Coalition

Facebook: The Micro-School Coalition



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