Imagine the two most difficult things that you could possibly go through happening simultaneously. Parenting a child, and the grief of losing a child. Now imagine parenting a surviving child after they lose their sibling.


Surviving children need unique care to work through their grief, in the midst of the parent sitting in their own grief. And while there are many grief support groups out there, parents need help in working through the day-to-day trials and tribulations that happen as the surviving child hits milestones that their sibling never had a chance to experience.


This week’s episode is for parents who have lost a child and caregivers of the surviving children. Because, like any aspect of child development, the more who can support the child the better.


Listen in to a sad but heartwarming story about why play matters to grieving children, why language and vocabulary is so important to grieving children, how to manage your own grief while parenting, and why grieving adults need to take care of themselves first.


About Michele Benyo:


Michele Benyo is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, early childhood parent coach, and the founder of Good Grief Parenting. After her 6-year-old son died of cancer, her 3-year-old daughter said, “Mommy, half of me is gone.” This heartbreaking statement focused Michele’s career as an early childhood parenting specialist on the impact of grief on young children, particularly after child loss. Michele equips parents and other caring adults to recognize young children’s grief and to provide the support children need to build resilience and cope well with any loss. The desire of Michele’s heart is to see families thrive after loss and live forward toward a future bright with possibilities and even joy.


Jump in the Conversation:


[1:27] - Michele’s catalyst for Good Grief Parenting


[3:01] - Michele’s case study about how deeply children are impacted by trauma and loss


[4:18] - Would not have recognized the impact if not for the experience


[5:50] - Founded Good Grief Parenting to help parents find hope and encouragement and goodness in grief


[6:15] - How Good Grief Parenting is unique, especially for formative years


[8:23] - As parents, we can grapple with loss of child, but the sibling left needs support


[9:11] - What adults need to know about how children grieve


[10:19] - Kids need a chance to tell us how they’re feeling, what they’re thinking


[10:46] - Encourage kids to talk about their grief and loss


[11:20] - Parents need to learn how to say that a child died


[12:47] - How parents can manage their own grief and support other children


[14:20] - Be the parent that’s grieving child at the same time as taking care of living child


[15:32] - We can find goodness and bring it into the family


[16:35] - Childhood is best time to learn grief coping skills


[18:10] - 3 ways to support grieving children


[19:55] - Turbo Time


[24:55] - Michele’s Magic Wand


[27:29] - Maureen’s Takeaways


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