Relational Mindset
Part 1: Personalize Learning

This may be a bit far afield from our usual "edtech" focus but the TechNollerGist has some thoughts on the importance of building intentional relationships with EACH student.
Personalize Learning

Developing Relationships have the same capacity for predicting success as IQ or Standardized Test Scores.
According to John Hattie and Robert Marzano, having good relationships with teachers have effect sizes of 0.72 and 0.87, respectively. (0.8 is a large effect, and 1.2 is a very large effect)

Learn names — super simple? super impactful!
personal connection
make the learning of their names visible…
let them see you struggle but persevere
Students say their name before they speak
Use desk name tags
Alliteration or association
Inject the TECH
Photo gallery
Games: Kahoot or Quizizz — MC

“Me Bag”
teacher shares items with class
connect items to stories that tell who we are
relate to students as a person first, and as a teacher second
open to students — a few per day
inject the TECH
Video tour
Presentation (Google, Prezi, etc)

Share everyday problems
easy way to connect to students
share a personal problem from your own life
students share reactions and solutions
set expectations to avoid inappropriate responses, but use errors as teachable moments
demonstrate that difficult problems can be solved with strategies, patience, perseverance, critical thinking

Share progress on goals
share goal and tell them how you plan to meet them
share setbacks and how you overcome them
model goal-setting and the process
students set own personal goals
establish a collective goal for the entire class
Promotes sense of belonging/ownership
Promotes community

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