Greetings and Welcome to another Potentially Useful episode of the TCAPSLoop Podcast. We are here to rebuke the commonly held belief that teachers have the summers off. Danelle Brostrom and Daneille Humphry from Northwest Ed discuss the past, present and future of our favorite summer event not associated with water, WIREDTC!  

Moment of Zen:

The expert in anything was once a beginner." - Helen Hayes


The Rundown:
What is WIREDTC? What is the history of this event? 
What changes are we looking forward to this year?New partners 
New format
New timeslot
New vibe

Where can educators find out more information about WIREDTC?
Registration is open now!

Tech Tool of the Week


Free professional development from industry leaders like Common Sense

Specifically, this upcoming one sounds AMAZING: Dreams Take Flight with THE BLUE ANGELS - edWeb


Goblin Tools is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult.


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Thank you so much for listening and inspiring!


Hosts: Danelle Brostrom, Larry Burden

Special Guests: Daneille Humphry

Um and Ramble Editing: Larry Burden


Cover art created with help from Adobe Firefly.

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