Shortly after the Wall Street Journal published the article "Chromebooks were once good for schools now there becoming e-waste," TCAPS' Executive Director of Technology and todays co-host Evan O'Branovic had a conversation with the Ticker’s Craig Manning for his article “The Chromebook Question: Do School Laptops Cost Too Much For What They Offer?" On today's podcast we dive a bit deeper into that question and recommend some criteria to consider before making your next edtech investment.

The Rundown

00:54 - Moment of Zen 

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

- Marie Curie


01:26 -Ticker Chromebook article background


05:02 - TCAPS Chromebook history


09:04 - What is the right device? the conversation is changing.


09:47 - 4 principles school boards and parents should consider when purchasing EdTech - 2022 Article in the Conversation by Lucas Johnson


10:24 - Why Technology?

SAMR Method


14:08 - Is it compatible with current infrastructure?


21:00 - Safety and student privacy?


23:24 - Why Chrombooks?


Thanks again for listening and inspiring!


Links to the Socials coming soon!


Hosts: Evan O'Branovic, Larry Burden

Um and Ramble Editing: Larry Burden