In this episode, I chat with previous guests Brianna Hodges, Carl Hooker, and Thomas Murray. We each have chicken wings and the same 5 sauces. After asking each of my 5 questions, we douse a wing with a specific hot sauce and answer in a round table manner. As we go through each question, the sauces get a bit hotter. This is a great conversation that could have gone for a lot longer than it actually did. This has been an interesting school year that taught us MANY things and this is exactly what we cover. Buen provecho!

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About Brianna Hodges

Learner. Listener. Leader. Storyteller. Texas EdTech of the Year (2017). K12 Administrator to Watch (2018). National Advisor and Spokesperson for Future Ready Instructional Coaches. An experienced school and district leader with a superpower for storytelling (Bri spent 10+ years as a PR exec) and developing capacity, Brianna works with school districts across the country to transform learning for all ages and stages. Let’s rewrite the story of what school has been and provide purpose to practice, and institute innovative change together.

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About Carl Hooker

Carl Hooker has been in education for 22+ years. He’s been a teacher, coach, and administrator and is currently a national faculty member for Future Ready Schools. Carl also hosts 2 podcasts, has written 6 books on mobile learning, and has a course on Remote Learning. He’s been a keynote speaker at state and national events and in his most important role, is a father to three girls. 

Connect With Carl Hooker

Carl’s Website Hooked On Innovation Carl On Twitter Carl On Instagram Carls On YouTube Carl’s Facebook Profile Carl’s Facebook Page

About Thomas Murray

Tom serves as the Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools, a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education. He has testified before the US Congress and has previously worked alongside that body and the US Senate, the White House, and the US Department of Education. Murray serves as a conference keynote, was named one of “20 to Watch” by NSBA, the “Education Policy Person of the Year” by the Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2015, the “Education Thought Leader of the Year” in 2017, and is the co-author of ASCD best-seller Learning Transformed. His most recent best seller, Personal & Authentic was published in the fall of 2019. 

Connect With Thomas Murray

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