Edspire Podcast interviews Annette Zapp to go deep with what it means to practice self-care. Educators are a type of first-responder...we can experience trauma directly or indirectly while in the field of education. We cannot discount the impact it has on us...we need to know what is happening, how to get help, and how to lean on each other. We are honored to have Annette with us, to share her expertise. She is a 17-year veteran of the fire service who holds the rank of Lieutenant, owns FireSQFitness, and is a coaching business elevating the wellness of firefighters worldwide.  She earned a Master’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of South Dakota School of Medicine and is also credentialed as a NSCA CSCS and TSAC-F, Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach, a CSNS through the Society of Neurosports and a CISSN through the International Society of Sports Nutrition. She was recently named to an Illinois Senate task force focused on mitigating first responder suicide.
Zapp is an adjunct faculty at the University of Denver in the graduate program for Sport Coaching and is a proud member of the panel of experts that recently reviewed and revised the TSAC Practitioner Course for the NSCA.   She is also a highly sought-after public speaker and has appeared on a dozen podcasts in the last year.  
Brene Brown Podcasts Link--click here!
Well, Not Perfect Podcast ---SO GOOD!!
Contact information:
Website: www.firerescuewellness.org
E-mail: [email protected]
Instagram: @firesqfitness
