How do you address weight with your child? What are healthy routines? We have Dr. Melanie Bean with us to talk about nutrition and weight in children and teens. She is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry: Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and the Co-Director of the Healthy Lifestyles Center at the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University). And more importantly, she is a mom. Dr. Bean talks with Edspire about the work she is doing to help teens and families struggling with weight issues. We also learn more about school lunches...bad or good? Dr. Bean gives Edpsire the verdict!

Our co-host, Holly, who has her own personal weight-loss journey, knows first-hand the overwhelmingly positive impact that nutrition has on learning and mental health. Too often, educators are sitting in student support meetings trying to come up with interventions to help students learn and focus...nutrition is never addressed. Why? For families looking to make some changes but need help, Dr. Bean highlights the work she is doing at the Healthy Lifestyles Center, which offers a free program for families to help teens struggling with obesity to get healthy. We cannot underestimate nutrition and healthy habits and routines as a VALUABLE, game-changing tool to utilize when it comes to setting our children up for success. This episode is for parents and educators!

Kids (ages 2-18) should have less than 25 grams or 6 teaspoons of added sugar daily for a healthy heart. SOURCE: American Heart Association statement Added Sugars and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Children. 


Information about the Healthy Lifestyles Program at VCU--click here!

[email protected] or (804) 827 - TEEN

Healthy Lifestyles Flyer <---Click here!

TEENS Program Flyer <---Click here!