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Edified Equity Podcast Episode 60: Who’s Dino, Why Multifamily, and the MFIN
Tell us briefly about your background in multifamily investing.
I’m a Business operator, Entrepreneur, and MF Investor.
Edified Equity is part of a multifamily acquisitions and asset management firm.
I’ve been Actively and Passively investing into RE for 5yrs. For the past 2yrs I’ve focused in on servicing the backbone of our economy through MF workforce housing apartment communities. This is an asset where demand is outpacing supply and one that will always be needed regardless of the market cycle. I just read a CBRE Research brief today that showed, through data, MF was the most resilient property type regarding recessions

I Focus primarily on Market analysis, investor relations, underwriting, & thought leadership. I provide consultative, quality, complimentary, education through the EEPodcast, EE Youtube, LinkedIn Articles, BP Blog, my Closed FB Group, and speaking at events like this one.

State of the mid 2019 MF Market
The Unemployment rate is dropping and Household growth is outpacing new apartment completion, further luxury housing is primarily what’s coming online. The supply of affordable housing has remained relatively unchanged & that’s where the demand is.

Further we’re becoming a Renter’s nation for several reasons:
• People have a Preference for starting families later in life
• There’s an Affinity to live, work, & play in urban areas where single-family homes are expensive so instead they rent B & C class
• student loan debt is prevalent so taking on more seems insurmountable
• The ‘American Dream’ of owning a home is changing as many saw their parents, their friends parents, and family members take a hit in the great recession
• At the same time, empty nesters and Baby Boomers are trending toward “right-sizing” & minimizing & they’re renting too. Like millinials they enjoy amenities (pool, health club, dog parks, landscaping), the freedom to move around, and the convenience renting offers.

What are we doing about this time:
We’re Sticking to our mandates and conservative underwriting.
If you buy in the right market, finance properly, don’t over leverage, and manage well – B & C class workforce housing is going to weather the storm. Done correctly, this is can be a recession proof asset class.
Our Firm has the luxury of, and ability to, be very selective with investments and opting out until the right opportunity comes our way. We’re not in the business of doing volume and collecting fees - we’re investors if the numbers don’t pass our stress test we don’t move forward. BUT I believe there are deals to be made in today’s market.

Why attend:
Can’t beat the price, no travel expense, no one to watch the kids, and you can plug into live or later on through the recordings, which for me… all of those reasons are why this format is preferable.
If you’re worried about missing out on the partnership and networking opps there are ways to connect and grow relationships like the FB Group, email list, & there’s also networking with the speaker opportunities.
I hope you found this information helpful. Whether you are here for the education, entertainment, or If you, or someone you know, has a problem finding the right place to invest their money - please help them by sharing this info.

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