Edified Equity Podcast Episode 51: Interview with Joseph Bramante, CEO of TriArc Real Estate Partners “The Tale of Transition From High Income to Full-time Investor”

Show Notes:
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My Name’s Dino and Here we will focus on all of the unique Benefits associated with being a Passive Equity Investor in an Apartment Syndication.

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Edified Equity Podcast Episode 51: Interview with Joseph Bramante, CEO of TriArc Real Estate Partners “The Tale of Transition From High Income to Fulltime Investor”

Guest Social Media Links: Joseph Bramante linkedin and facebook. Only one in Houston

Brief Bio:
Joseph Bramante, CEO of TriArc Real Estate Partners.
“Joseph Bramante is based out of Houston Tx. He started his career working for Exxon in 2007 making nearly 6 figures straight out of college and then went overseas for 3 years and nearly tripled his income. From there he purchased a small apartment complex which has now transformed into a $100M portfolio. Joseph has plans to grow it to over $2B.”

Full Bio:
A native of New Iberia, Louisiana, graduated Cum Laude from Louisiana Tech University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Following graduation, he spent 5 years with ExxonMobil achieving the position of Business Team Lead for a scope of over $1 billion and responsible for driving, managing, and closing on over $500 million in construction and logistics contracts. Joseph purchased his first property, a 26 unit complex in a great location shortly before leaving ExxonMobil and spending the next 2 years transitioning full time to the industry. In his first 7 years in the industry, he has acquired 5 properties for a total of 437 units, spent $5k/unit – $30k/unit on renovations and averaged over an 80% increase in NOI on every property. In 2017 he acquired the property management company he had been solely using and rebranded the company as TriArc Real Estate Partners with his two expert partners Carrie Breneman and Deborah Newsome, who "each" have over 30 years of property management experience. The Company intends to grow a portfolio of 20,000 units over the next 10 years.

Topics to cover:
-Understand the current environment and the environment that your mentors/advisors started in. Book "Outliers"
- Backstory on why i went straight mf, how i learned to buy the first one, and what I learned after
Advantages for High Income Earners
-Corporate structure, draw me an apple, processes and controls/ corporate IP as starting point / not reinventing the wheel/ credibility/
High expenses/debt ratio/family/EGO! & temp Lifestyle downgrading
-Cashflow board game

-Got a roomate/ transitioned to an O&G sales job for less stress and more time to focus on my "side business" / Put myself on a budget (auto transfer from savings)
-Worked 6hr day job and 6hr side business. worked weekends
-backup plan - bartending
- ,.....more to continue

-the demonization of corporate America. Draw me an apple. culture, life as an employee, corporate structuring, etc

Tell us about the importance of parents teaching their kids about investing

Other Potential Questions Depending on Time allotment:
What or when was your ah-ha moment that drove you towards real estate? My situation was a bit different. I bought the first one as a hobby because my managers were buying houses. Then after losing my job with a negative cash flowing property, the industry had me in a choke hold and I was doing everything I could to simply survive. After that first property when I doubled my money, tax free, that’s when I decided to stay and keep doing it.

What currently excites you? Or What projects are you working on?
We have our first ground up