Ola King started his career as a music producer, learning SEO along the way to help promote his songs and score millions of views. In addition to hosting several MozCon events, Ola practiced as a UX Researcher at Moz before transitioning into independent consulting. Search experience optimization is more valuable than ever before. Discover what metrics to be most attentive to when prioritizing UX, and learn why user experience is key to achieving sustainable SEO this week on the EDGE!   

Key Segments:

[00:03:45] Introducing Ola King

[00:05:27] Ola’s Rise into the Industry

[00:17:34] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor: Site Strategics

[00:18:20] AI’s Role in Search

[00:21:38] Is SEO Dead? 

[00:26:03] Prioritizing User Experience

[00:32:345] EDGE of The Web Sponsor: Wix 

[00:33:46] What Role Does User Experience Play in Determining Content’s Helpfulness? 

[00:34:46] What Metrics Should you Focus on to Grow Search Experience?

Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Site Strategics: http://edgeofthewebradio.com/site  

Hostinger: https://edgeofthewebradio.com/hostinger

Wix: http://edgeofthewebradio.com/wix

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