Two years with Mordy Oberstein as a co-host with us. Yes, let that sink in for a moment. Are we masochists? The EDGE team digs into a lot of news this week with stories from Search Engine Land, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Roundtable and Fox News…….and Newsmax (don’t judge us).

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News from the EDGE:

[00:02:39] Don’t promise your clients page 1 rankings. You might get sued - By Google
[00:05:49] EDGE of the Web Sponsor:

[00:06:38] Google’s suspensions policy for Display and Video

[00:08:25] Check your WordPress version, lots of security updates before version 6.0.3

[00:16:01] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor: Site Strategics

[00:16:56] A Senator’s warning about TikTok and letting kids get on the app: He says we should ban it

[00:22:23] EDGE of the Web Sponsor:

Barry Blast from Search Engine Roundtable:

[00:23:23] Google Discover performance reports improve accuracy - Link

[00:24:35] Google: If Your Most Important Page Is Terrible, Then That Is Not Good For SEO - Link

Thanks to our sponsors!

Site Strategics


Page One Power 

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