Cindy Krum jumps into the news with Erin to tackle the slew of news this week! A little late, but still really important! Erin blames his kids…

Covering articles from Barry Schwartz, Mike Blumenthal, Roger Montti and Fili Wiese, we also jumped into a Twitter thread that revealed something very interesting! Is there going to be a larger focus on structured data from Google to the degree of triggering manual penalties? As Cindy says.
“The news this week kind of reinforces the idea that you are in Google's results wherever you are at their leisure and at their discretion. And what they give, they can easily take away.” Check your schema, all - it could be an issue.

News from the EDGE:

[00:03:16] Almost all industries have seen a large increase in Google Cost-Per-Leads

[00:08:56] EDGE of the Web Sponsor:

[00:09:41] Twitter removes 80% of its contractor employees without notice

[00:14:20] GBP updates might eliminate your reviews. Have backups!

[00:20:54] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor: Site Strategics

[00:21:42] Marketers are jumping on the Mastodon bandwagon. Should you?

[00:25:11] Social Thread: Spammy Schema will get a Manual Penalty?

Barry Blast from Search Engine Roundtable:

[00:32:41] Barry Blast 1: Google Ads Paying Advertisers $100 To Enroll In Automatically Applies Recommendations

Thanks to our sponsors!

Site Strategics


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