Abusing the host? Is that what Mordy has lowered himself to? We love the Fall decor on the SERP. It’s NEWS!

Today we cover articles from Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, TechCrunch and Search Engine Watch covering topics such as Google’s new search labels for coupons, the depreciating value of the link in the future, Mastodon’s rise amidst the chaos of Twitter, and Mordy Oberstein opines whether Google is moving to a more continuous “real time” algorithm. Oh, and we might talk about Robert Plant, ferns and rubber plants, too.

News from the EDGE:

[00:03:01] New labels to highlight coupons and promos in Google search results

[00:07:21] Perhaps the value of backlinks are changing as Google continues to evolve?

[00:11:47] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor: Site Strategics

[00:12:41] Social Network Mastodon nearly doubles in users in just one week

[00:22:49] Our own Mordy looks at data to see if we’re moving towards “real-time” algorithm updates.

[00:31:47] EDGE of the Web Sponsor: edgeofthewebradio.com/inlinks 

Barry Blast from Search Engine Roundtable:

[00:32:55] Barry Blast 1: Links may be less important to the Google Search ranking algorithm in the future - Barry - Link

[00:33:57] Barry Blast 2: Google Tests Fall Decorations In Search Results - Link

[00:34:53] Barry Blast 3: Google: No, Your Website Doesn't Need 200,000 Words To Be Considered Authoritative - Link

How to leave Twitter and switch to Mastodon from Jon Henshaw

Thanks to our sponsors!

Site Strategics https://edgeofthewebradio.com/site

Inlinks https://edgeofthewebradio.com/inlinks

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