It couldn’t be more timely! Michel Fortin, long time SEO professional, has recently written a fantastic article regarding “user-first” SEO principles, a concept that he has been championing for sometime. The article came out just weeks before the Google Helpful Content Update algorithm change that came in August of 2022. This is exactly where Google is telling us where to go with the user and Michel is the coach to help us along the way.

Please read the article at Wix and reach out to our sponsors and thank them for helping us do what we do with the show!

[00:05:44] Michel’s User-First SEO Focus Couldn’t Be More Timely!

[00:08:15] Google Wants to Take Itself Out of the Picture

[00:10:24] The Keyword Chase is Dead, Finally

[00:13:38] EDGE of the Web Title Sponsor:

[00:15:22] Presence, Prominance, and Performance

[00:18:22] Leaning In: People Search Next

[00:21:42] EDGE of the Web Sponsor: Site Strategics

[00:22:36] Are You Sure Google Wants to Take Us To YOUR Answer?

[00:27:13] Make Sure that the Answer is Available When They Need It, Where They Need It

Thanks to our sponsors!

Page One Power 

Site Strategics

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