Remote learning is creating wide disparities in the progress of students at all grade levels. Will the pandemic-driven disruption to education be the catalyst to move us away from the practice of grouping students by age?

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Brady Venables began her teaching career 10 years ago through an alternative certification program after making a career change. After experiencing the power of incorporating technology into her high school biology classes she transitioned to a role supporting teachers as a technology coach in her small district. Eventually, her path led to a role in a larger district that allowed her to broaden her support by working exclusively with technology coaches, supporting them with professional learning, personal coaching, and other resources as they in turn worked at their schools. In 2020-2021, however, Brady is excited to make the leap from her district office cubicle back to a classroom and she will be teaching high school students biology and physical science once again. Her pedagogical approach uses technology to center the student-teacher relationship and she believes that teachers must work to catch students in the act of learning through meaningful and authentic lessons and assessments.