Maybe the most important podcast I've ever produced. Addiction in restaurant culture. In an environment whose very premise is dedicated to serving others, how do we take care of ourselves without the emotional blankets of alcohol, drugs, sex, work, shopping, chaos, rage, you name it? How do we help each other remove those blankets and begin to feel and work through the complicated feelings that come with running and working in the food industry?

How do we help our own? Ben's Friends is figuring it out. My conversation with Carrie Neal Walden of the Atlanta Chapter confirms we absolutely need this in Charlottesville. Sooner rather than later and you guys know why. No need to spell it out, if you know what I mean, you know what I mean. If you don't? Ask your local food industry professional, because until we start talking about addiction in restaurant culture, it will not get better.

Our discussion topics are listed below. Also stay tuned for my very biased and giggly review of our local AquaFloat facility. It's pretty fucking epic and a much better tool than that after work shift drink. Addiction is a chronic disease, but if you have the right toolbox full of stuff, and some community that understands, it becomes just one more facet of the shiny diamond you are. Be well my friends. Big Love.

Chaos. It's the new cocaine.
Living in the present. Be here now. Don't "catastrophize" and predict a horrible future.
You know how addiction ends. How about trying the other story? Aren't you curious?
It's okay to say no and offer an alternative instead of saying yes all the time.
It's okay to say yes, but not right this minute.
Is restaurant culture different from other job cultures? Is it an Island of Misfit Toys?
Setting boundaries.
Parenting yourself.
Restaurant culture and its peculiar habits, some that still exist.
Why Ben's Friends is NOT AA. At all.
A group of restaurant people that want to get and stay sober and they want to help other folks do the same. Not anonymous. Round table open-discussion format. Once a week meetings in 16 cities. Topic based peer-support discussion. What do you do if you're 2 weeks sober but your friends aren't? What boundaries do you set for yourself?
What other industries could this model translate to?
Handling your shit.
To live sober, you've got to have connection.
Anthony Bourdain
Sean Brock
Food delivery system impacts everyone.
We're all a hot mess. Shame is a useless emotion. Take it and turn it into something to help another person. It'll make you feel better.
Sober Curious. What is it?
Perception and Awareness. Being able to look at yourself from outside yourself.