Self-Sabotage Work. Or Why Would You Knowingly, Purposefully Jeopardize Success? We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a semi-regular segment here at Edacious. A segment where I rant about a food topic so much on my mind, it warrants its own episode. Welcome to self-sabotage folks. And yes, it does relate to food. Very well in fact.

What is self-sabotage? Why does it happen? What can you do about it? How did depression and self-doubt cause my most recent bout with this annoying occurrence which unfortunately occurs fairly often? How did I cure my most recent bout? Have you experienced this? What did you do? I'd love to hear about it because I have a feeling most of us do this subconsciously on a regular basis, cutting ourselves off at the knee symbolically because somehow we feel we've gotten "too big for our britches". 

In future episodes, I hope to discuss other topics like tipping, reservations, even what makes a great pizza. May you never experience what I just did. And if you do, may your resolve to overcome it be strong. And edacious. Cheers!

SHOW NOTES – Links to resources talked about during the podcast:

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