Edacious - Food Talk for Gluttons is two years old! Talking up a blue streak! This year saw many changes including a new website, merchandising, and a new sponsorship model that will keep this podcast strong in its focus on community and on the stories of folks doing the Work of Food in our area. People edacious about what they do.

Here are my favorites. The episodes where I was firing on all cylinders, where the conversations ran deep. I've included short clips of each as well as my own thoughts on why these talks left me feeling I'd moved monumentally forward on life's short trajectory.

All my guests were terrific, but these five most closely represent this podcast's mission. To showcase our food community and give voice to the folks working hard to make sure we eat well. If there is one recurrent theme here it is community because whether it's a beehive, a street festival, a hospital, or a pie shop every one of the folks I talked to strive every day to make sure we are stronger together.

Sixty episodes, hours and hours of conversation, and close to 30,000 downloads. I've learned so much. I'm filled to the brim with gratitude because without you, without this community, Edacious simply would not exist. Thank you. After two years of triumphs and missteps Edacious is going along full-steam ahead with exciting new ventures and projects in the works. Before tackling all of them, I wanted to take a minute to look back. To reflect on a truly great year. Sure 2016 was no picnic, but here? It was good. All good. If you only listen to one episode, make it this one.

This episode is sponsored by MarieBette Café and Bakery and listeners like you who donated their support at Patreon, who wants every creator in the world to achieve sustainable income. Thank you.