Here it is folks. My Golden Fork Awards for 2015! What did I eat this year that was memorable? A lot of stuff evidently. When all was said and done I counted fifteen, yes FIFTEEN dishes from Charlottesville restaurants and beyond that were so tasty, I remembered them even months later. Which is how I construct the list. No, it's not a perfect way, just my way.

In the past I've made this a blog post, but since I launched a podcast in 2015, why not plop it right into the new medium? It's an experiment. Most things are with me. We'll see how it goes. Let me know what you think. Do you agree? Disagree? What did I miss?

Thank you all so much for your support, suggestions, and comments. I continue to be astounded and amazed at the amount of food talent in this area. And I'm beyond grateful for the opportunities my own version of the "Amsterdam Chess Club" have afforded me. This year was a big one. In launching a podcast I learned not only a lot about the food community, but about myself as a person, both in what I can accomplish professionally, and who I am personally. The only resolution I'm making is to continue those connections. To do even more with these conversations. To go deeper. It's been a wild ride, one I hope you'll take with me in 2016. Happy New Year. Cheers.