Why You Matter; And Why It Matters...
By Edward Robinson
It's The EdRoboTech.com Podcast Series for Friday March 23, 2018.

This is Episode 34.

I'm Edward Robinson!


Have you ever come to work, and solved a problem, that saved the day? Did you
have people counting on you to perform, and looking to you for help, guidance,
or support? That's a good feeling. That feeling says,"You are needed. You are
important. You are a mission critical part of this operation".
Isn't it great when you come through with a great idea, that saves the day?
Yes, it truly is.
People admire that person. They may emulate you. Some may even envy you.

But, on the other hand, have you ever felt that the whole operation could go on
without you? That you don't matter? That someone else has all the answers, and
you are just a part of the crowd?

I want to let you know that especially in schools, there are many people who
make a difference each school day. If you are one of those people, you may not
always be noticed as a winner, or as an awesome contributor. But, when each
member of the school district does their job effectively, wonderful things can
It is important to know that your contribution sometimes may go unnoticed.
But, it is still very valuable. Think, for example of a 300 year old tree. You may
eat lunch next to that tree, but never see the root structure that supports it
and keeps it healthy and strong.

Being a support to students who need encouragement is not only admirable, but
it is vital.
Let's talk about Encouragement:

Teachers need encouragement, so that they can know and remember what is
important about themselves as individuals, and what they became a teacher to do
in the first place. They need to be there for their students.
Students need encouragement, because sometimes they are going through a tough
time. They may try to understand tragedy, and pain, and need leadership to
inspire them to be their best selves. They need to know that it is going to be
alright, and that the sun will come up tomorrow, like the song, of that name,
in the play called Annie.
Parents need encouragement, because they are trusting their precious children
with educators throughout each school day, hoping that they will return to them
no worse for wear, hopefully with positive experiences and knowledge from the
school day. They need to know that schools will be a safe, learning zone, for
their children.
Administrators need encouragement, too because they need to make decisions to
protect all the people who visit, attend, work, at school campuses. They may
have to make decisions and choices to protect staff and students that are
dynamic, or decisive, at times, to protect lives.

Encouragement makes you feel more capable to succeed.
Encouragement lets you know what's possible. Inspiration is the wind beneath your wings. Inspiration is motivation to do something meaningful or constructive.
School safety is very important.

But, there are behaviors that we can do to keep our schools safe:

Metal detectors in schools will likely expose concealed weapons.
Safety drills: shelter in place, lockdown, evacuation, and/or perimeter drills
School security guards can keep schools safe, if they are administered wisely.
Keeping unauthorized persons off campuses will also help.

People need to know that things can be alright again. Education must continue,
but it is smart to make wise improvements that will insure safety, improve
morale, and keep the job of the K-12 schools happening: literacy. And in our
present society Technology Literacy is very important.

Not just knowing how to read, write, add and subtract, etc. But knowing how to
utilize computer programs and applications effectively, so that our learners
will function effectively in an emerging digital world that requires those
Thanks so much for clicking in, and we'll see you online!