πŸŽ™ I am thrilled to have the opportunity to speak with Jesse Coomer on the launch of his new book on breath, "The Language Of Breath" now available where books are sold.

➑️ FIRST 25 MINUTES ARE A GUIDED BREATH EXPERIENCE. I typically like to start my Podcasts with a 1 to 2 minute guided experience to get us present and ready to listen to our guests. With Jesse, spirit took us. We went back and forth co-creating an experience that came from the ethers. What a treat!!!! We actually separated this into a separate video you can enjoy on Ed's YouTube channel.

Now, back to the interview . . . Jesse and I talked about how breathwork is a tool for transforming mindsets and belief systems, his work with first responders/police/military, awareness skills and how the reality is . . . NONE OF US ARE STUCK! You have the power to transform your mental and emotional patterns and it all starts with HOW you're breathing.

πŸ‘€ About Jesse Coomer:
Since 2011, I have been an English Professor, and this year, after years of doing breathwork as my second job, I left academia to focus on my growing breathwork career. This passion turned into a profession back in 2016 when I was part of the first Wim Hof Method Instructor program. (I am no longer affiliated with Hof;) For years I was the English Professor who also taught people breathing techniques and cold training. In the early days, I was narrowly focused on Wim Hof, but in the years that followed, I began teaching mixed methods to my clients and in workshops. I even taught breathwork to my college students when I saw them getting extra stressed. In 2020, I self-published my first book, A Practical Guide to Breathwork: A Remedy for the Modern Human Condition, and it has quickly become one of the most recommended books on the topic of breathwork. In 2020 I also began working a lot with first responders, and this year I made breathwork history by creating the first-ever breath coach certification for first responder trainers which has just been accepted by one of the largest police academies in the USA, the Indianapolis Metro Police Academy. This year I also graduated my first class of breathworkers in The Language of Breath Philosophy, which is explained in this book. While I work with people of all backgrounds, much of my work recently has been in drug recovery and public safety. My goal is to bring a better understanding of what we are as humans to my clients so they can take positive actions to improve their lives and the world. www.jessecoomer.com

πŸ“• Jesse's Book: The Language of Breath: A Unified Philosophy of Breathwork and Self-Awareness
Synopsis: The book begins by explaining to readers that humans are an action-oriented species, heavily influenced by unconscious processes which make up our subjective experience. What we experience as physiological and emotional stress are signals from our unconscious which are meant to improve our chances of survival or move us to specific actions or behaviors. However, due to common misconceptions, we often misunderstand these communications, leading us to suffer from the same physiological and emotional responses which are actually meant to help us survive and thrive. Using interoception and breathing exercises (which cover a wide gamut of angles), this book offers a method of learning to form a better relationship with one’s unconscious-self. All of this is done with a tone and depth which is meant for the average person seeking to pick up breathwork or a current practitioner seeking to gain a more holistic understanding and practice.

To learn more about Ed Harrold and his "Life With Breath" applying "Breath AS Medicine" , visit www.edharrold.com

Breathe with Jesse Coomer, Ed Harrold and many other talented breathwork teachers @TheBreathSource breathing app