You probably know that your diet should change with the seasons, but according to Ayurveda, even your pranayama should be tweaked three times a year, says Larissa Hall Carlson, former dean of Kripalu's School of Ayurveda and the co-leader of Yoga Journal's Ayurveda 101 & 201 courses.

In this LIVE breathwork workshop, discover precious tools for enhancing balance while deepening your pranayama practice, as Larissa shares the Ayurveda breathwork approach to dosha-balancing breathwork for the transition from winter to spring (vata to kapha seasons).

If you would like to learn more about living a "life with breath" applying breathwork therapy, visit our website

You can learn more about Ayurveda with Larissa Carlson at

Learn more about Breathwork with Ed Harrold:
1) Basics Of Breath Course
2) Live streaming breathing classes
3) Breath AS Medicine e-Learning Breathwork Trainings
4) Ed's books: 1) Life With Breath IQ + EQ = NEW YOU and 2) BodyMindBusiness The Business Of BE'ing Within (Both available on Amazon)