Ed Harrold is a Certified Yoga Instructor as well as being certified in Advanced Pranayama and as an Advanced Meditation Teach. He also created the Mind Body Athlete performance training program. Ed has been involved in competitive athletics his whole life but it wasn’t until he was competing in the Around the Island Swim (22 ½ mile swim) in 1994 that he faced his ultimate turning point. In this race, he discovered the power of breath and the concept of “flow states”.

Ed uses his experience in that race to inspire him to take up yoga and the learn the effects of yogic breathing. He now has formed his own unique practice by combining yoga and sports in a way that had never been done before.

His wisdom, beliefs and teachings are put in to place through his Cross Patterning Yoga that embraces the Three Pillars: Breathe Deeply, Love Completely and Live Mindfully, to help you look at your cellular body and human spirit every time you come to your mat.