You may be aware that millions of organisms, microbes, bacteria, and parasites are living on you and inside of you. But do you know how many of the choices you make in life are actually directed and dictated by these tiny hitch-hikers? We can change the landscape of our life by actively modifying our "BioTerrian" and making our bodies an unfit environment for the detrimental creatures that have taken up residence in us. Many more topics and concepts are covered in this engaging discussion!
Our guest for this episode is Isaiah Fliessbach. His first appearance on our show over a year ago remains one of our most popular interviews.
Isaiah was born and raised in the mountains of northern California into a family dedicated to living a natural lifestyle. Natural living meant growing their own food, building their houses by hand, harvesting water, and living harmoniously within their environment. Although he was raised in that lifestyle, it was as a teenager, that he began actively working within himself to learn how to embody and maintain exceptional health. Isaiah has an innate ability to help others to wake up to more of their potential in many ways and through many modalities. Over the years, it has become clear that the catalyst for this gift has been his own healing journey.

Find Isaiah's Masterlist of reccomendations below!!!!!

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email = [email protected]

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As promised, here is Isaiah Fliessbach's masterlist of wellness recommendations:

Dr. Cassar: Terrain modification program essentials!

Check youtube for more great free self health care tools!

Skin cleaning solution instructional video:

Gua Sha instructional video:

Alexi Panos: Why We Should Put Ourselves Before Our Work

Preston Smiles: If You Build You They Will Come

Self care awareness:

1. In order to care for another we must first become fluent in caring for ourselves.
2. Sustainable energy comes from the daily mind set and physical/emotional practices we are consistently committed to.
3. Self care is your best investment, so much of it is free and available anytime. Sitting quietly, walking in nature, exercising, alone time, entraining yourself to think lovingly about yourself and how you can serve people in your life from that place inside of you.
4. Go to sleep earlier. Cleansing the brain, rejuvenating and supporting to your bodys chemistry is crucial.
5. Playing, dancing, singing, creativity and fun is non-linear and non goal oriented and more fully develops us.
6. No perfection, just improvement, mastery, next level you, thats all there is, the successful people I know, have this in spades!
7. Were not afraid to invest in ourselves so much as we are afraid of the disappointment and pressure we will feel when we know were not implementing what we learn.
8. People will try to convince you not to invest in yourself, but when the masses are recommending that you do something.. you may want to consider going the other way!

Self Care Tools:

1. Practice letting go of what we can’t control,
2. Notice your energy, be conscious of how you feel. Stressed, anxious, tired, listen to these signals and don’t push yourself beyond what feels comfortable
3. Don’t please others at your own expense
4. Stay away from drama
5. Repel negativity
6. Be kind to yourself, not hard on yourself. Speak lovingly to yourself
7. Listen to your gut and act on your intuition (heart impulse)
8. When something feels out of alignment, don’t do it! No need to explain why, just set healthy boundary with yourself and those in your life and trust it will all be right long term because yours choosing in alignment.
9. Get outside in the fresh air and sun (naked if possible)
10. Swim in a body of water, and if not available hot/cold shower 1-11 x’s back and forth
11. Eat soups, veggies, organic meats, salads, smoothies, juices, teas, whole nutrient dense foods
12. Make hydration a focus of your day. 1/2 oz per lb of body eight per day filtered or spring water
13. Little bit now goes a long way!! How about now?!
14. Walk towards your fears, introduce yourself and make friends, they are only enemies when we don’t understand them..

Be well beautiful souls!