Alex Tabarrok is Associate Professor of Economics at George Mason University and co-founder (with Tyler Cowen) of Marginal Revolution University, an online platform for learning economics.

Alex is a TED speaker with over 640,000 views of his TED talk, How Ideas Trump Crises.

In this episode, you will learn:

how to ensure that criminals turn up of trial and to reduce the possibility of them becoming a fugitive.

why bounty hunters and bail bondsmen are best for the taxpayer.

why bounty hunters invited Alex Tabarrok to join them in a bounty hunt.

why a mother’s signature on a bail bond is the most effective way of making sure a criminal repays its  due.

how the terror alert level results in an increase in police presence and results in a decrease in local crime.

whether the best teachers have a positive impact on the future earnings of their students.

if a country can have a welfare state and open borders.

why immigrants to the United States are the most entrepreneurial.

what Marginal Revolution University is about and who it’s for.

how to leverage the best teachers and leverage their experience.

how artificial intelligence and computer adaptive learning programmes will be the next wave of teaching and learning.

and much more.

Check out the shownotes and all of the books and resources mentioned in this episode at

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