Last week Stefan Jordev, my colleague from Bobsled Marketing and co-author of the book Instacart for CMOs, and I talked about advertising on Instacart and what type of ad campaigns are available on Instacart, how to choose the most important for your brand and we shared some tips for advertising. 

Where does Instacart fit in my company’s P&L? is the second topic in the series we would like to cover before our book Instacart for CMOs is available for readers.

In our book Instacart for CMOS, we dig into performance, advertising, demand generation, leaders, available brands on Instacart, and many other topics. P&L (Profit and Loss) responsibility is one of the most important responsibilities of any executive position. Having P&L responsibility involves monitoring the net income after expenses for a department or entire organization, with direct influence on how company resources are allocated. Instacart is a pretty awkward place in a brand’s P&L. This is the issue we discovered and discussed in our book. Stefan interviewed dozens of e-commerce digital leaders from different brands to understand how these companies are organizing themselves, where does the marketing aspects of Instacart fit on the team and how do they think about P&L.

Make sure to tune in!


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The Most Surprising Things We Learned Writing "Instacart for CMOs"