Today’s an exciting day. Bobsled Marketing, the company that I founded 7 years ago, has been acquired by Acadia.

First I want to recognize the turmoil in the world around us. We have team members in Ukraine and in surrounding countries. So while this is great news for our team who are all staying on and are more important than ever, many people in this region are facing trauma in their lives.

So who is Acadia?
Acadia is a next-generation digital agency that provides best-in-class growth services for mid-market brands. Mid-market brands are dealing with complexity and change everyday, and don’t have the resources to oversee half a dozen specialist agencies or consultants. Acadia has brought together an amazing team of paid media, SEO, Analytics, social and development experts so far. And with the addition of Bobsled to the fold, will now also be an industry-leading Amazon and retail marketplace partner.

The most pride I have in building Bobsled over the years has been the amazing, quirky culture that we have built - all fully remote before remote was really a thing. Joining Acadia will lead to amazing opportunities for our team and I couldn’t be prouder to lead our amazing Bobsledders into this next phase. I’m excited about what we’ll be bringing to Acadia too!

I’ll personally be staying on with Acadia to lead retail marketplace strategy. I’ll still be researching, writing, and strategizing about our industry and what that means for our clients at Acadia, so you’ll still see a lot of me around LinkedIn and hopefully at some IRL events this year too.