I talked with Tim Duke, Director of Operations at Mobile1st, about the tradeoffs between different calls to action.

Transcript and other ways to listen at https://briandavidhall.com/tim-duke-on-saas-experiments/

Find Tim at https://mobile1st.com

0:56 About the company and product
1:53 About Key Performance Indicators
3:02 The chat/form/call saga starts ... CTA test
4:52 It gets a little more complicated after the first win ... "get more chats"
8:16 "We can't just make everybody chat" ➡️ "Three-card Monte style CTAs"
10:17 ... leads went up across the board
11:53 Increased chats ... ignored emails 🤦‍♂️
13:09 "What are you really good at?"
13:56 "Cater to your strengths, and focus on your time to close"
16:24 It's about how you build out your org, not how big the button is
18:31 Advice to a CRO dealing with competing teams
20:00 How did this series of tests change your approach to UX and CRO?
21:09 "Optimization needs a seat at the biggest table"
23:36 What do you think about *automated* chat 🤖 ?