Arrow (on The CW) tells the story rich kid Oliver Queen's return to civilization after being stranded on a tropical island for five years. Oliver puts on a hood and uses his archery skills to go on a murderous rampage across Starling City, crossing off the names on his father's enemies list in the name of social justice.

Be sure to check out our comic, Hurry The Rabbitoid Knight: Prelude to Epilogue!

Radio Free Echo Rift is your the twice weekly Pirate Pop Culture Podcast brought to you from Deep Beneath the City of Philadelphia! We have thirty minutes to record each episode here in the confines of the Waiting Room - the only place our evil overlords, the Researchers, can’t monitor our activities. If we were ever caught, we’d be atomized for sure!

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Download Episode 50: Five Years A Go-Go

00:34 - It's Cold Beneath Philadelphia
02:15 - Graphic Novel Giveaway in December
02:56 - Caller - Doctor Who Dramatic Episode
06:48 - Letter - Creative Non-Fiction?
08:59 - The CW's Arrow: Birth of a Serial Killer
10:48 - List of Characters who have Murdered Fewer People than Oliver Queen
11:51 - Origin of a Serial Killer
15:16 - The Heroes of Arrow: Moira Queen and Captain Jack Harkness
17:10 - Plaintiff's Attorneys: always the hero
20:06 - Oliver Queen's Excuses for Murdering People
22:28 - If you have a suit or own a business, you're dead meat
23:52 - Thea and the Two Story Bibles
25:30 - Arrow is kind of like Dexter
27:00 - Where can Arrow go from here?
28:15 - How is this madman on the Justice League?
29:29 - Outro

Paperkeg is Back - Go listen!

Call-in number: 856-208-RIFT

Letters: [email protected]

Follow @echorift for podcast and comic updates

Follow @Don_Garvey and @Connelly_Mike

Music for the Radio Free Echo Rift Podcast is provided by Home At Last, show them love by liking HAL on Facebook!

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