After reading Swamp Thing for Episode 33 we felt compelled to delve into DC Comics Animal Man, and boy were we shocked.  Join us as we dig into the Red, the Green, and the Rot. Plus, a listener letter gets us talking about double-ship comics, and a mini-rant on the cost of comics and comic piracy!

Be sure to check out our comic, Hurry The Rabbitoid Knight: Prelude to Epilogue!

Radio Free Echo Rift is your the twice weekly Pirate Pop Culture Podcast brought to you from Deep Beneath the City of Philadelphia! We have thirty minutes to record each episode here in the confines of the Waiting Room - the only place our evil overlords, the Researchers, can’t monitor our activities. If we were ever caught, we’d be atomized for sure!

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Download Episode Episode 49: Call It Animal Man

00:34 - Intro (Return to Manhood!)
01:18 - Mike's Thanksgiving and his Egg Nog contest
02:10 - Don confuses audiences with talk of Gobblers, Wawa, and Shorti's
03:19 - Letters: Double Shipping Comics
06:43 - Comics cost what they cost
08:57 - Comic Piracy
10:47 - Introduction to DC Comics Animal Man: The Hunt (Jeff Lemire / Travel Foreman)
13:30 - And when you're reading Animal Man you're going....
14:30 - Buddy Baker is called to the Red
15:54 - The Mythology - The Red, The Green, and The Rot
17:44 - Jeff Lemire (Essex County / Underwater Welder / Sweet Tooth)
18:40 - Swamp Thing and Animal Man mirroring each other
21:29 - A Conversation between Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire
21:47 - Animal Man is a Monster Comic
23:26 - Don Rants about DC's AWFUL Trade Publication Schedule
24:25 - Relating to the Red, The Green, and the Rot
27:28 - Girls in Refrigerators / Gail Simone
28:37 - Quick Detour: Walking Dead and Bear McCreary's music
29:21 - Outro!

Paperkeg is Back - Go listen!

Call-in number: 856-208-RIFT

Letters: [email protected]

Follow @echorift for podcast and comic updates

Follow @Don_Garvey and @Connelly_Mike

Music for the Radio Free Echo Rift Podcast is provided by Home At Last, show them love by liking HAL on Facebook!

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