Experience the Resonance of Voice in the final episode of Vocal Canvas, a podcast series exploring the 5 aspects of voice. Resonance is the amplification, enrichment or modification of our voice achieved through intention of placement. Imagine the booming voice of a war general or the nasally sound of someone speaking through a cold. The difference in where the sound wave vibrations bounce causes a change in the the sound of voice or vocal expression. Listen first hand to the differences between a bee and a bear, the echos of a tour guides’ voice in an ancient cavern, or from waves of life and house calls. Listen, subscribe, and review Vocal Canvas and join us through our blogs and social media as we continue our exploration of voice in the future.

Don’t forget to follow along with our social media challenges with #VocalCanvas and by following our social media platforms.

~ Check out accompanying blogs and pieces for Vocal Canvas by clicking here. ~

~ Check out the bios for the cast and crew of Vocal Canvas by clicking here. ~


Series Creator & Writer: 

Dennis Connors

Series Editor: 

Melissa Hozik 

Series Intro Editor: 

Niusha Nawab

Series Producers:

East Brunswick Public Library

Playhouse 22

NextGen Acting

Community Writers:

Hear Me Roar and The Ugliest Guy by Jon Heron

Flash, Float, Fall and Fight Like A Girl by Emily Conklin 


Tara Frye

Additional Voices

Bumble - Marisa Knipfer

Gruff - Tom Rooney

Amanda Carroway - Laura Dalston

Abe - Mark Lee

Tour Guide - Bryan Hanstein 

Extra Voices - Dennis Connors