Explore the Power of Volume with the first episode of Vocal Canvas. Dive into this auditory exploration, where we discuss and demonstrate the critical role of volume in voice acting and everyday communication. From powerful monologues to delicate whispers, our diverse cast showcases the dynamic range of volume, and how it can shape characters, mood, and
narrative. Join us on this journey as we delve into the first of the
Five Aspects of Voice, a voice over lesson on the use of volume and immerse yourself in the world of voice acting.

Don’t forget to follow along with our social media challenges with #VocalCanvas and by following our social media platforms.

Check out accompanying blogs and pieces for Vocal Canvas by clicking here.
Check out the bios for the cast and crew of Vocal Canvas by clicking here.

Series Creator & Writer: Dennis Connors

Series Editor: Melissa KR Hozik

Series Intro Editor: Niusha Nawab

Series Producers: East Brunswick Public Library, Playhouse 22, NextGen Acting

Community Writers: Hear Me Roar and The Ugliest Guy by Jon Heron

Narrator: Tara Frye

Additional Voices:

Dennis Connors
Loud Larry - Alex Luckenbaugh
Devilish Dog Influencer - Aaron Ratzan
Patricia - JD Dominique
Marie - Monica Shah