The founder of CONBODY, Coss developed his bodyweight training style when he was incarcerated for 4 years on drug charges. Coss lost 70 pounds in 6 months and found his calling. He founded CONBODY fitness studio in New York City, where he hires other former inmates who have turned their lives around through fitness.

What will you hear in this podcast? Pure 100% entrepreneurship and social impact. Coss has defied all odds for someone coming out of prison and launching a business. Not only being an entrepreneur he decided to, help out others that were in the same situation and now want to do the same. Coss made the claim that with people that he has hired, none have gone back to prison. 

F5 Porject  was founded in 2016 by a former inmate, F5 helps to coordinate services and provide personal support in order to deter repeat offenses. After serving time and realizing the lack of services once released from prison, F5’s founder realized that if we as a society are unable to help break the cycle in an individual’s life that led them to crime, we will fail. If we are able to provide continued support when they leave confinement, we have a greater chance of positively impacting a former inmate’s life by leveling barriers. That benefits all of us, as well as the former offender. 

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