In today’s episode (54) of the EAT, CAPTURE, SHARE Podcast, I’m speaking with Joanne Molinaro, a recipe developer, food blogger, visual story teller and writer, known on social media as The Korean Vegan. Joanne shares how creating video content helped her grow her instagram audience to over 200K and her TikTok audience to over 1.1 million followers (!) and how it can do the same for you! Here’s what else you can expect from today’s episode….


I share more about the new direction the blog and podcast will be taking in 2021

Joanne introduces herself

Joanne shares how she got into food and what propelled her to go vegan

We chat about why Joanne started blogging and sharing her food on social media

We delve deeper into why Joanne decided to be more vulnerable on social media

Joanne explained her decision to use video to share her content

Joanne outlines how long it really takes her to create incredible video content

Joanne reveals how she ensures that her videos stand out from the crowd on TikTok

Joanne shares what makes TikTok so different from all other platforms

Joanne lists some practical insights to help you grow your audience on TikTok

Joanne describes the key differences between TikTok and instagram

Joanne explains why it makes business sense for content creators to be on TikTok

We chat about repurposing content and whether TikTok is a fad or here to stay

Joanne explains why she’s no longer creating and sharing video content on IGTV

Joanne reveals how she secured a cookbook deal

Joanne details what cameras she uses to create her polished and professional looking videos



Find out more about and pre-ordering my book Creative Food Photography

Connect with Joanne on instagram, tiktok, youtube or via her website

Final cut pro

Tabitha Brown

Gary Vee




Find all my mentoring and coaching podcast episodes here

Episode 53: What’s happening with instagram

Find out more about my online food photography course here

Betty from Stems and Forks

Episode 49: Inspiration is everywhere with Betty Binon

Canon 5D Mark IV

How to write cookbook proposal PDF

Penguin Random House

Find me on instagram here

Find the full shownotes here


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