Time off can often derail us from our goals. In this episode, Megan talks through 5 ways you can prepare for time off, whether planned or unplanned, so that you get back into work without disruption.

Whether it’s a planned vacation or sudden sickness, if we don’t plan for time off, it can be challenging to get back on track when we return to work, especially as entrepreneurs. Therefore, some entrepreneurs never take time off. But there’s a way around it! 

Action Plan:

- Plan ahead and have your content ready and scheduled a few weeks or months in advance.

- When planning time off, allow for wiggle room so that you give yourself time to get back into your routine - Don’t overload your to do list on the first day back!

- Set a ‘jump back in date’ and stick to it to avoid compounding work. This counts for your self-care and workout routine as well.

- Work on your mindset as many of the struggles related to getting back into work after “time off” is related to mindset.

- Do not feel guilty for taking time off - it’s essential to maintain a healthy balance and you’ll be more productive if you allow time for self-care.


Food Photography by Ikram Ali

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