In episode 524, Megan talks to Lauren Woodger about why mindset is such an important element of building a successful business and 8 mindset hacks we can implement today.

Lauren began "The Scatty Mum" in 2019 as a hobby blog to share allergy-friendly recipes when her daughter was diagnosed with multiple food allergies. In 2022, she took a leap and left her day job to focus on her blog full-time. Even though her daughter has outgrown her allergies, Lauren still understands the struggle of preparing meals for everyone. She's passionate about creating easy, allergy-friendly recipes that the entire family can enjoy. Lauren lives in Surrey in the UK, with her husband and two children.

In this episode, you’ll learn about how to cultivate a positive mindset as a blogger and entrepreneur, including prioritizing networking, becoming a more productive entrepreneur and celebrating your progress every day.

Key points discussed:

- Connecting with other bloggers: Build connections within the blogging community through social media, Facebook groups, and networking events to combat feelings of isolation and provide valuable insights and encouragement.

- Celebrating progress: Track and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. It is crucial for maintaining motivation and perspective on your blogging journey.

- Invest in productivity courses: Transform your approach to work and time management by learning strategies such as backward planning and focus work sessions.

- Limit comparison: Avoid the trap of comparing your progress to others’. It is essential for maintaining a positive mindset.

- Concentrate on one main goal at a time: By focusing on a single primary goal, you can channel your energy and resources effectively.

- Implement a timed daily schedule: Planning your day ahead can help you maintain focus and structure throughout the day.

- Combat shiny object syndrome: Prioritize ‘focus work’ in the morning and allocating time for administrative tasks later in the day.

- Take breaks when you need to: Don’t forget to do things that promote well-being, such as going for walks and listening to podcasts.

Connect with Lauren Woodger

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