In episode 363, Andrea Hundley shares six ways to think outside of the box when it comes to blogging. These are unique strategies that can potentially help you grow and keep you motivated.

Andrea is the creator behind Design Morsels. She has been writing about decorating and design for the last 4 years. Andrea successfully joined Mediavine after two years by focusing on low-competition keywords and SEO and has seen her traffic greatly increase since embracing Rank IQ. Since then, Andrea trained a VA to update old content inside the tool to keep the momentum going. In this episode, using her insight from blogging in a different niche, she explains six unusual strategies to grow our blogs, encouraging us to approach blogging from a new perspective in general.

- Can you rank for topics outside of your niche, especially non-recipe content?

- What are good options for non-recipe content?

- Delegate more, even when you believe you can do the tasks better.

- Should we always listen to everything experts say in our field?

- Invest your time wisely - focus on what you’re good at and what you enjoy.

- Find communities and experts to learn from outside of your niche.

- How can spending time on personal development impact our blogs and businesses?

- Focus on passive income strategies instead of followers.

Connect with Andrea Hundley

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