In episode 353, Megan chats to Melinda Keckler about how to establish a strong brand identity and why building brand affinity with our audience is so important in order to have a successful blog. 

Melinda is the founder and photographer behind the blog Crinkled Cookbook and has been blogging since 2019 while juggling a full-time marketing job. She is applying her vast experience working in marketing and brand strategy to help grow her food blog. Eager to share her expertise, she explains what is meant by brand identity and marketing, busting common false beliefs around both topics. She then lays out easy steps to build a strong brand identity using marketing effectively so we become a recognised, trusted and loved authority in the food blogging space.

- Be ready to play the long game to build brand identity and affinity (your Google analytics won’t change overnight).

- How much do logos and fonts define your brand identity?

- Brand lives in the experience our readers have - why will they remember your blog?

- How can you establish brand affinity with your audience?

- Marketing is meant to get people to do something.

- Social media posts build and sustain brand affinity.

- Steps for how to use a marketing funnel effectively - going from awareness to engagement to familiarity and loyal followers.

- Video and audio are the most effective tools to build brand affinity.

Connect with Melinda Keckler

Website | Instagram