Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are an investment vehicle that many pros in the industry love because they contain many shares in on product. To chat about some of the hottest ETFs, we invited Satrix’s Quantitative Portfolio Analyst, Siyabulela Nomoyi.

We talk about the best performing ETFs for the month of August, the value of investing in offshore (international) ETFs, as well as Satrix’s own moves in the space over the last year.

In particular for Heritage month, we spotlight the Satrix Capped All Share Index ETF, which is a super diversified investment containing large to smaller companies within the fund, which is pretty rare in SA. Until December 2022, this ETF will cost 0% TER, and Siya breaks down exactly what this ‘TER’ means.

Did you know that Satrix accounts for 26 of the 90 ETFs listed on the JSE? If you want to compare all 90 ETFs against each other, make sure to check out the EasyETFs portal.

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