2-7-2021 | Mike Baker
Serve #1: Freed to Serve
Exodus 7:16, 8:1, 9:1, 9:13, 10:3, 10:7
The refrain associated with Moses as he repeatedly appeals to Pharaoh on behalf of the Israelite nation,
is “let my people go.” But that is only half of the sentence. In each of these scriptures, the full request is,
“let my people go that they may SERVE me in the wilderness.” God was not freeing his enslaved people
so that they could bask in serving only themselves. He freed them from their bondage in Egypt, so that
they could choose to be his servants in Egypt. Our freedom in Christ is not given to us so that we can
turn our thoughts inward and think of what is best for us. To demand our freedoms as Christ followers is
an oxymoron. Because of the freedom from sin and death that Jesus has given us, we are able to
become servants to all and in so doing serve God. We have been freed to serve others.