Meet Joshua Bloom, creator of Quantum Energy Transformation and a best-selling author, filmmaker, and author of The Ultimate Answer…is Inside.  Joshua’s passion is to awaken your personal healing power.

He invites us to jump into the quantum field and become emotionally stronger than you ever imagined. Joshua believes there are no limits to the quantum field and is ready to teach you how to heal instantly.


It all started with overwhelming anxiety.
He could heal others but not himself.
Learning to approach himself the same way he approached his clients led to healing his immobilizing anxiety.
Diving deep to find the gifts of hie empathic nature.
Great insight for empaths who feel overwhelmed and afraid to speak their truth.
Authenticity as a Super Power.
How to connect with the Earth Core Chakra to balance your energy and create a much deeper ground.
Calling your higher being back into your body by raising your frequency.
Put yourself in Transformation Mode you can make fast, if not instant, life altering Quantum shifts.
A short, guided Quantum Energy Transformation experience.


Gift: Free to listeners: Let Go of Overwhelm program:

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