We live in a world that believes we are separate from nature. We forget that we live within the heart of Mother Earth, Father Sun, and the entire Oneness of Being.  What an awful way to live! Who would want to incarnate here if the only purpose was suffering in the pursuit of ego satisfaction?


We are, and the world is, more glorious than that. We are a wounded culture in need of healing the wound of separation. An infinite universe of love surrounds and holds us. Let’s tune into the healing rays together.


We have shifted paradigms; the work, work, work, and suffer, suffer, suffer paradigm is now over. You can align with the new energies, the supportive and loving energies that are more available now, and leave the wound of separation behind.


In this meditation, I take you beyond the separation wound into the world of connectedness, creativity, aliveness!  Enter into the meditation casually, without striving. Allow my words to guide return you to wholeness. Rest into your being, as if you are floating in the ocean. The waves soothing your tired muscles and the sun energizing your cells and soul.  This meditation is not long, but it brings you back to mind, body, and spirit balance, and the lightness of your being.


I suggest listening to the meditation several times. The wounding has been deep and the suffering long. Trusting you can let go and ease into a healing space may take a little time. Be patient and kind to yourself. Be Blessed.



Do you want to shift into the new frequencies together? Check out my new programs for 2021!


Awakening Together—starting January 18, 2021:



The Enlightened Empath Training: Be Whole Now—Activating Your Empathic Gifts. starting March 20, 2021: https://www.spirithealonline.com/2021-enlightened-empath-training/


Virtual Retreat: In Holy Territory: Dancing with the Divine — January 29 -31, 2021:
