Joan Cerio welcomes return guests Jeane Manning, Brian Hawley, Eric Thompson, and co-host Maya Starhawk who answer the question, "What can you do for yourself and the earth in 2020?" This is part 2 of my first anniversary shows.

Maya Starhawk is the granddaughter of a Curandera (medicine woman) who used herbs and spiritualism to treat illness with the teachings of the traditional wisdom of Mesoamericans. She learned Shamanism from Art Runningbear of AZ, worked with a Cherokee Shaman woman for 20 years, and was initiated into bear medicine by Tu Bears of OK. She offers a variety of Shamanic services and readings. Her website is

Jeane Manning is an award-winning writer who has chronicled the lives of inventors of energy breakthroughs around the world for over 30 years. She lives in Kelowna, BC, with her daughter, granddaughter and a big backyard veggie garden. Her previous books are published in over 10 countries. Her latest book, Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance, co-authored with Susan Manewich of Massachusetts, is available on Amazon. Their website is

Brian Hawley is an Anishinaabe Elder who conducts sweat lodges and vision quests. He also holds sweat lodge for veterans with PTSD.

Eric Thompson is the founder of Subtle Energy Sciences, LLC. He has developed proprietary methods for producing and capturing subtle energies in digital form. He has also developed methods for amplifying subtle energetic waveforms and embedding them into digital media. This proprietary process results in digital media that, when opened and played on most electronic devices, broadcasts silent energy pulses that assist anyone in various areas of health, healing, consciousness expansion and human performance. His website is https://Sublte.Energy.