Joan Cerio welcomes past guest Jane Reading who co-hosts this first anniversary show with past guests Bethe Hagens, Jude Valentine, and Ann Albers who answer the question, "What can you do for yourself and Mother Earth in 2020?

Jane Reading has been working on behalf of a healthy environment and clean water by offering healing ceremonies for water for over 20 years and has sponsored a New Moon Water Blessing Meditation monthly since 2002. Her website is

Bethe Hagens holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Chicago and is currently working at the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Walden University. Her website is

Jude Valentine is a professional artist and practicing astrologer with over 25 years in the study and application of mythology, numerology, tarot, and astrology. Her astrology consulting website is To see her artwork, visit

Ann Albers is a popular author, spiritual instructor, angel communicator, and modern mystic. Her free weekly "Messages from Ann & the Angels" reach an international audience with inspiration and tips to help you stay tuned in and turned on! Her website is