Joan Cerio welcomes water experts Dr. Carly Nuday and Nevin Eckert to discuss the physics, history, and energetic qualities of water and how bio-available structured water can promote our health and consciousness.

Dr. Carly Nuday uses her passion of bridging science and spirituality to improve human health and wellness. She has been researching water for over a decade, studying and creating the most effective methods of raising water's structure to improve bio-availability and life-promoting properties for both individual and agricultural applications. She provides consultations, workshops and seminars about water, EMF sensitivity, and the science of health and consciousness. She is the author of Water Codes: The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment, Senior Research Director at Water, Inc., and co-utility patent holder for water-resonant therapeutic tools. She holds a Ph.D. in Religious Theology, a Doctor of Divinity, and Baccalaureate studies in Alternative Medicine and Therapies. Her website is You can order her book on Amazon here:

Nevin Eckert has been researching holistic health, water quality, and emerging water technologies for 23 years. He has discovered a custom drinking water system solution, configured with state of the art components, to purify and transform any water from well water to the nastiest city water. TrueSpring water quality solutions independently represents an array of cutting edge water technologies. Nevin maintains a network of working relationships with water researchers, inventors, and authors worldwide. Over the years he has presented at numerous events and conferences. His websites are and