Joan Cerio welcomes resident astrologer Jude Valentine to share with us the astrology of September. We start the month on a waxing moon still sorting and analyzing from the New Moon of August 30th. As we move toward the Full Moon at mid month, there are deeper realizations or possible confusion as the Moon aligns in a conjunction with Neptune. Are we dreaming or are the perceptions from earlier really true? What is true? There are still quite a few planets in Virgo at mid month weighing the scale toward a concrete practical look at reality. After mid month, we try for balance with Mercury and Venus moving into Libra followed by the Sun on the 23rd. One by one, they make an opposition to Chiron in Aries, so working through relationship can be challenging. By the end of the month, and at the New Moon of September 28, there is a stellium of planets in Libra asking us all to seek balance.

Jude Valentine is a professional artist and practicing astrologer with over 25 years in the study and application of mythology, numerology, tarot, and astrology. Jude maintains Urania's Mirror as her astrological consulting studio at To see her artwork, visit