(12 to 12:30) Kim Brooks of HEMPCRETE Natural Building LLC, is a green building industry pioneer with a mission to create ‘Homes for Everyone' that don't endanger people living in them. Kim Brooks & Partner, Jayeson Hendyrsan, developed hempcrete: fibre-reinforced lightweight concrete, wrapped around a traditional timber frame; composed of hemp hurd, fibre, lime, sand, clay, 2%+/- cement; mixed & poured into forms, plastered w/natural plaster & coloured w/natural pigments.

Hempcrete Constructions are energy efficient; insect/rat resistant/proof; fireproof, earthquake/water damage resistant; carbon neutral/negative construction; low maintenance; cost-effective w/long term value; quiet; with reduced off-gassing (no petrochemicals or allergens).

(12:30 to 2)In 1996 Terry Skrinjar invented a device for use in home or practice that dramatically enhances health & wellness based on water’s unique ability to transform energy into a life-compatible format: bio-energy.  In nature, conditions resulted in legendary healing bodies of water frequented for 100’s of years. The device creates water-mediated bio-energy from electromagnetic energy creating an even more beneficial biofield than even such famed locations.

Utilizing a specific metal & geometric electrode plate array configuration coupled with DC power to create a bio-electrodynamic field when immersed in water, the Bio Electric Field Enhancement unit (BEFE) was introduced to N. America by our guest Michael Stern.

Recent scientific research validates and explains the powerful results experienced when using the BEFE.